Neuropathy Pain Treatment
The Low Power Laser and Neuropathy, Something to Get Excited About? There are many different types of neuropathy. Each has it's own pathology. Even though different types of neuropathy cause different damage to the nerves, they all share a common nerve defect that is responsible for the burning, numbness and other neuropathy symptoms. I'm going to give you a very short, quick lesson in neurology which is the study of the brain and nerves. When you think of how nerves work, they are very similar to wires. They carrying electrical signals. These electrical impulses are coded. Readers who are my age or older will remember Morse Code. Nerves carry their signals in much the same way this code was used to send messages. The coded messages travel from different parts of the body to the brain, where the brain decodes and interprets them. The most basic cause of neuropathy symptoms has to do with the inability of damaged nerves to carry correctly coded electrical signals from the f...